Published on 04/11/2018 5:06 pm
How to accomplish abortion with Mifegest Kit?

The Mifegest Kit is the abortion pill that is used to get an abortion during the initial period of pregnancy. This is the easiest form of pregnancy that takes place during the 1st-trimester abortion. This termination pill can be taken to terminate a pregnancy during 7 weeks of pregnancy. If you have exceeded 7 weeks, then you can take the Misoprostol pill along with Mifeprex so that the abortion can be easily accomplished.

The abortion pills are now used widely after being approved by the FDA and so women can buy abortion pills online and get an abortion done easily at home.

If you are taking Mifegest kit to abort, then you have to follow a few precautionary steps so that the abortion can be performed very easily.

Get an ultrasound done on the primary basis so that you can detect your type of pregnancy whether it is ectopic and uterine.

You can take abortion pills at home only when you are above the age of 18 and below the age of 35. If you are not falling within this age, then you should take the abortion pills under the guidance of a health expert only.

You should not be suffering from any problems like bleeding disorders, cardiovascular problems, and problems in the liver or intrauterine problems. Do not take this medication if you had a caesarian in the past 6 months.

This Mifegest pill contains Mifepristone which is needed to bring a halt to the pregnancy by stopping the necessary hormone progesterone from reaching the fetus so that devoid of progesterone the fetus gets easily removed from the uterus lining.

You have to take the first pill as Mifepristone pill so that the work of the Mifepristone pill is done and only after the Mifepristone pills you have to take the Misoprostol pills.

You have to take the Mifepristone pills directly with the glass of water. You have to take the Misoprostol pills under the tongue and allow it to get dissolved in your saliva.

The gap between your Mifepristone pills and the Misoprostol pills should be 24 hours.

You will get to know that the abortion is successful only after you start bleeding and start facing the vaginal cramps. So we always suggest you stick to one place as much as you can so that you can easily endure the pain that you will face during the abortion.

You can face the problem of vomiting, nausea or diarrhea as these problems are rare, but are commonly seen to occur during the abortion, but these side-effects are transient that will only take place from 2-3 days.

There are a few remedies which you can undergo if you are suffering from too much vaginal cramp.

You should keep a hot pack on your belly as this alleviates your pain faster and for a longer time. Always use sanitary napkins during the abortion process never use tampons or menstrual cups.

Do not resume your exercise routine just after the abortion rather make sure to start it only after the abortion is successful and after 4 weeks of abortion.

Do not involve into sex after sex for at least 4 weeks.

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